Learn How Alliance Can Help With Your Data Archiving Requirements

 Alliance’s Data Archive Solutions makes regulatory compliance, data security, infrastructure optimization, and cost reductions Simple.

Data Storage Solutions – How to Reduce Costs with a Data Archiving Tier

In this FREE Report you’ll learn the key steps for transitioning to a tiered storage environment plus you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify which data to archive;
  • Make the transition seamless for the end user;
  • Select the correct data archive for your business;
  • And so much more...

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Understanding Cloud Archiving Security Risks  cloud concerns

Organizations across the globe are exploring cloud storage for data archiving.  Though there are many benefits to archiving data to the cloud, the picture can quickly become clouded due to an organizations' risk related to data access, data control, data recovery and security vulnerabilities.  Before committing your valuable data assets to the cloud, consider these security and risk factors.  

Mitigating Cloud Archiving Security Risks
Cloud Archiving Considerations Security and Risk Challenges and Concerns
Long-term Cloud Storage Cost Archive data is retained for decades, resulting in significant ongoing cloud cost.  On-premise True WORM archive storage has a much lower TCO over time.
WORM Storage WORM Storage (Write Once, Read Many) provides immutability, ensuring adherence to legislative, corporate and industry regulatory mandates, as well as protecting data from ransomware.
Hybrid Cloud Storage By implementing a hybrid cloud methodology, where a copy of data is written both to the cloud and on-premise archive storage (preferably WORM Based), a copy of last resort is maintained, ensuring access to data during DR events and the ultimate control of your critical data.
Unified user authentication and data access policy management To ensure data integrity, privacy of data, and avoidance of data breach situations, cloud archiving solutions must integrate with your existing user authentication and data access policies. Existing technology that is deployed such as Windows Active Directory should be supported and automatically applied to the cloud.
Data Encryption with Integrated Encryption Key Management To protect data that is being transmitted or when at rest, FIPS 140-2 certified Data Encryption with tightly integrated Encryption Key Management should be deployed. This keeps you in control of your data, eliminating data breach situations where cyber criminals might gain access to data in the public cloud environment.
Cloud Integrated Storage Cloud Integrated Storage technologies act as a cloud gateway, with the most recently utilized data residing on-premise on local storage, providing fast access to your most recently archived data.

Download the eGuide for Cloud Concerns or Contact Alliance Sales at 719-593-7900 for more information.

NETArchive Hybrid Cloud Archiving Solution provides the protection required

Hybrid CloudNETArchive Hybrid Cloud Storage option deploys a hybrid cloud storage environment, utilizing Cloud Integrated Storage technologies.  With high-performance on-premise RAID cache for fast access to recent data, archive data is permanently stored to the on-premise WORM storageand a second copy to the cloud, blending compliant archive storage technologies with the reliability, availability and utility of cloud.  This automated process provides two resilient copies of last resort, ensuring continued access to your critical data should a DR event or a ransomware attack occur.  Learn more...

AMS (Archive Management System)NETArchive AMS (Archive Management Software) ensures only authorized users can access and view archived data, utilizing industry standard user authentication facilities such as Windows Active Directory.   By integrating with your existing security environment, the need to deploy multiple authentication techniques and systems is eliminated.  All access is also funneled and authorized through the NETArchive's AMS, eliminating unauthorized access to data.  Learn more...

EncryptmosaicloEncryption Option ensures all archived data is encrypted using FIPS 140-2 certified AES-256 bit data encryption with integrated encryption key management, eliminating exposure for data in transit and at rest, whether in the cloud or on premises, eliminating regulatory compliance issues should data fall into the wrong hands. Learn more...


ODA MediaNETArchive WORM Storage provides data protection with a permanent, immutable copy of last resort.  NETArchive True Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) ODA media is extremely robust and offers an archival life estimate of greater than 100 years, making it the premiere choice for professional data archiving.  Learn more...

netarchiveproducts3The NETArchive is designed for professional data archiving and its advanced features provide protection for the safeguarding of personal information.  With secure authenticated access to all data, and with optional data encryption, all data is secured from exposure.  Additionally, all files that need to be protected are archived in a permanent, unalterable state that is 100% secure, providing the highest level of data authenticity, unmatched by tape, disk, or other backup media technologies using software-based WORM emulation. Alliance data archiving solutions have been meeting the compliance, protection and permanence needs of corporations and government agencies for over 30 years.

 The NETArchive Hybrid Cloud Archiving Solution allows you to use the Cloud for data storage and eliminates the security risks.

 Contact Alliance Sales at 719-593-7900 or submit a Request for Quote.


Regulatory Mandates Require Data Protection

Justice Scales iStock 000001319046Small

Worldwide there is a continuing proliferation of legislation aimed at the protection of personal information.  The aim of these laws is to protect individuals private information and rights, whether healthcare, financial or other, and impose stiff fines and penalties to those organizations that are not in compliance or that suffer data security breaches. 

In the United States, a combination of Federal and State laws aim at enforcing these mandates, while in other localities such as the European Union, comprehensive legislation has been introduced.  In addition, corporate and industry best practices provide guidelines for the handling of personal information.  


Secure Personal Information from Disclosure avoiding Penalties and Fines with NETArchive

Alliance Storage Technologies is unrivaled in protecting organizations personal information from disclosure and loss. 

cypher image v2EncryptmosaicloEncryption Option ensures all archived data is encrypted using FIPS 140-2 certified AES-256 bit data encryption with integrated encryption key management, eliminating exposure to public or criminal data exposure should it fall into the wrong hands while at rest or while on the move.  Having all personal information data encrypted protects the data from being readable to unauthorized users.  Learn more...

 Encryption Features and Benefits

  • Assures compliance with stringent industry regulations, HIPAA/HITECH, PCI requirements,and more
  • Prevents regulatory penalties that could result from a potential breach
  • Protects data from unauthorized access due to theft or loss of physical media while in transit
  • Safeguards business reputation - the cost of a breach may include loss of customers, class action lawsuits, and damage to brands
  • Eliminates the need for third party software (integrated solution)
  • Defends against corporate espionage or malicious attacks
  • Secures data silently in the background automatically protecting sensitive data
  • Increases confidence in the security of data stored off-site or in the Cloud
  • Prevents against accidental or intentional alteration of data

AMS (Archive Management System)

NETArchive's AMS ensures only authorized users can access and view archived data, utilizing industry standard user authentication facilities such as Windows Active Directory. 

netarchiveproducts3The NETArchive is designed for professional data archiving and its advanced features provide protection for the safeguarding of personal information.  With secure authenticated access to all data, and with optional data encryption, all data is secured from exposure.  Additionally, all files that need to be protected are archived in a permanent, unalterable state that is 100% secure, providing the highest level of data authenticity, unmatched by tape, disk, or other backup media technologies using software-based WORM emulation. Alliance data archiving solutions have been meeting the compliance, protection and permanence needs of corporations and government agencies for over 30 years.

Contact Alliance Sales at 719-593-7900 or submit a Request for Quote.


Exposure to Cyber Crime and Ransomware 

ransomwareAll organizations are susceptible to becoming the next victim of a cyber criminal.  Every week new security vulnerabilities are exploited where malicious software can gain access to your systems, attacking critical business data, holding it hostage or exploiting the data.  No organization is immune to these attacks.  Ransomware will typically encrypt the actual data, master file system and/or entire hard drives. Once encrypted, the user must pay the ransom to receive a decryption key to regain access to their data. And if not paid, the data is then locked and lost forever. 

Cyber attacks are generally targeted at all organizations.  Malware based attacks such as WannaCry has affected over 150 countries and major corporations, encrypting data and holding it for ransom.  Other attacks utilizing remote desktop protocols (RDP), Java-based web servers, or file transfer protocol (FTP) servers such as with SamSam are used to gain access to systems. 

More recently, cyber criminals are targeting specific industries such as State and Local governments.  In Atlanta, cyber criminals took the government's data hostage (read about Atlanta Held Hostage).  In Baltimore, their 911 emergency dispatch system was attacked taking the system offline and endangering the community (read about Baltimore Ransomware Nightmare).  

Randsomware Protection - a secure and foolproof technique is required to protect data from cyber criminals

Alliance Storage Technologies remains unrivaled in its dedication and effectiveness in protecting you from costly and time-consuming security breaches, information leaks, hackers and ransomware attacks.  Alliance's archive solutions utilize a common AMS (Archive Management Software) platform with key features that provide data protection, ensuring a permanent, immutable copy of last resort.

ODA MediaWORM Storage provides data protection with a permanent, immutable copy of last resort.  NETArchive True Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) ODA media is extremely robust and offers an archival life estimate of greater than 100 years, making it the premiere choice for professional data archiving.  Learn more...Encryptmosaiclo

Encryption Option  ensures all archived data is encrypted FIPS 140-2 certified AES-256 bit data encryption with integrated encryption key management ensuring you are in control of your data and protecting data on the move or at rest.  Learn more...

new replication imageboxedloReplication Option replicates archived data to another passive system in a cluster, facilitating rapid high-availability fail-over should the primary system become unavailable, whether due to operational issues or a cyber attack.  Learn more... 

The best way to ensure data is protected is to store data in a permanent and unalterable state, where it cannot be held hostage by ransomware. NETArchive achieves this level of protection.   

netarchiveproducts3The NETArchive is designed for professional data archiving and uses a hardware-based WORM technology to ensure that the data recording surface cannot be modified, erased or altered in any way. The data is then secure for over 100 years, which is backed by Sony ODA warranty. Therefore, all files that need to be protected are archived in a permanent, unalterable state that is 100% secure. This provides the highest level of data authenticity, unmatched by tape, disk, or other backup media technologies using software-based WORM emulation. Protection of data from ransomware attacks is just one of the many benefits the NETArchive data archiving solution provides. Alliance data archiving solutions have been meeting the compliance and permanence needs of corporations and government agencies for over 30 years.

Ransomware Protection

Don’t let ransomware hold data hostage.  Stop the catastrophic impact of these attacks to business operations now.  The NETArchive Solution from Alliance Storage Technologies adds resiliency to any infrastructure and will protect and secure business assets for a fast recovery of critical data.  Learn more about NETArchive Solutions.

Contact Alliance Sales at 719-593-7900 or submit a Request for Quote.


by a ransomware attack that significantly disabled the city's infrastructure

A Few Words from Our Customers...

Our Data Survived Hurricane Katrina

“We had to determine what information was retrievable among the absolute chaos of the first week after Katrina…We were able to recover all of the patient images off the Plasmon libraries…We are now primarily using the Plasmon’s UDO Archive Appliance for its long-term recoverability.” 
--Kenneth Allen, Health Systems Specialist, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care

HIPAA Compliance at a Reasonable Cost

“Ensuring that we could provide a PACS archive solution that helps customers meet HIPAA compliance at a reasonable cost was a critical requirement. This was guaranteed with the performance, longevity, and authenticity of the UDO Archive Appliance.”
– Lenny Reznik, Director Enterprise Imaging and Information, Agfa Healthcare

Retrieval Time Went from Days to Seconds

“Our major issue was time lost chasing documents. With the implementation of the archive solution, retrieval times went from DAYS to SECONDS.”

--Tony Libri, Sangamon County Circuit Clerk, Sangamon County Ciruit Clerk's Office

