Learn How Alliance Can Help With Your Data Archiving Requirements

 Alliance’s Data Archive Solutions makes regulatory compliance, data security, infrastructure optimization, and cost reductions Simple.

Data Storage Solutions – How to Reduce Costs with a Data Archiving Tier

In this FREE Report you’ll learn the key steps for transitioning to a tiered storage environment plus you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify which data to archive;
  • Make the transition seamless for the end user;
  • Select the correct data archive for your business;
  • And so much more...

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Alliance Storage Technologies – Solutions

Data Archiving

Data archiving has risen to the top of priority lists from the datacenter to the boardroom due to its undeniable IT and business benefits, as well as the critical role it plays in protecting critical information assets long-term to meet stringent regulatory compliance and legal mandates.  Built on Alliance Storage Technology’s Archive Management Software (AMS) Platform, NETArchive delivers elastic scalability with simplified, cross-platform management and unrivaled control.  It provides a flexible, robust and secure solution that can be tailored to meet the data management, business continuity and retention requirements in today’s complex business and IT environments. Alliance Storage Technologies data archiving solution delivers high-performance storage, answers the demand for an enterprise-class, unalterable and regulatory compliant long-term data archive, at a price point comparable to tape and disk.

Cloud Archiving

Enhancing your archiving strategy with a cloud-based archive offers the opportunity to maintain a seamless user experience while benefitting from virtually unlimited storage capacity.  The cost benefits are oftentimes immediate and substantial, benefitting from the public cloud vendor’s economies of scale – especially when comparing it to storing and managing large amounts of non-essential data on expensive in-house primary storage assets.  Additional cost benefits include the ability to reduce your datacenter footprint, and consume less power and cooling resources.  Enterprise-class public cloud vendors – such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) with whom Alliance Storage Technologies aligns – also offer comprehensive data security and access controls, protection and compliance coverage.  

Alliance Storage Technologies Cloud-Integrated Storage (CiS) delivers the next generation of archive storage solutions – blending compliant archive storage technologies with the reliability, availability and utility of cloud.  With Alliance you can access, manage and view all data anywhere within your archiving ecosystem through Alliance’s Archive Management Software (AMS) single pane of glass management, seamlessly integrated with your standard IT operations.  The multi-faceted architecture which can encompass on-premises (local and/or remote datacenter) disk and optical, together with public cloud, addresses all of today’s data storage infrastructure requirements.

Archive Management

Efficient and effective archive management not only protects an organization, but can provide a competitive edge. Alliance Storage Technologies designed its Archive Management Software Platform (AMS) from the ground-up to address the need to intelligently archive, manage, optimize and secure critical information assets for 100+ years.  The AMS platform secures data with game-changing flexibility, performance, scalability and cost efficiency, so that business critical environments and highly regulated industries can archive and retain data without compromise.  

From creation to long-term preservation, the AMS platform manages the entire data archive lifecycle through a single pane of glass with the flexibility and elastic scalability that dynamic organizations require to support rapidly growing data volumes on-premises, into the cloud and across hybrid storage environments.


The past decade has seen an explosion of enterprise content management compliance regulations that require very specific treatment of information (e.g., email, files, images and other forms of electronic communication).  These regulations not only dictate how long an organization must retain data, but also places mandatory requirements on how it must be stored and controlled (i.e., availability, protection and security).  Likewise, a company must remain prepared for an eDiscovery request, or face the time-consuming and costly consequences.  Alliance Storage Technologies provides the ideal long-term data retention solution designed specifically to fulfill compliance regulations and legal discovery mandates, at an incomparable price.   

Storage Optimization

Primary disk storage is an expensive investment from both a capital and operations perspective.  It is therefore vitally important to understand the value and near-term urgency of access for all information across your organization.  Especially as prevailing research indicates that as much as 70% of an organization’s storage data is inactive (low or no touch).  Movement of such data into an Alliance Storage Technologies NETArchive solution results in a significant reduction in storage expense and a dramatic increase in positive asset utilization and storage optimization.

Business Continuity

As organizational data continues to grow by 50% year over year, so too do backup windows. This can negatively impact a number of areas, including system performance.  Alliance Storage Technologies enables you to move static or untouched data into a solution that offers not only fast backup, but fast recovery of data.  Likewise, copies of business critical data can also be archived onto a lower cost storage tier.  The result is the ability to shrink your backup window and improve performance, as well as assure disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (with a permanent copy of last resort).  

Security and Risk Management

Alliance Storage Technologies remains unrivaled in its dedication and effectiveness in protecting you from costly and time-consuming security breaches, information leaks, hackers and ransomware attacks.  We recognize the criticality of protecting your archived data as vigilantly as you do your primary information assets.  Among its key differentiators are Alliance’s embedded encryption and replication technology. These features are especially important for highly regulated industries such as legal, government, financial services, healthcare and insurance sectors.


By Technology

By Business Need


Alliance Storage Technologies – Industries

Financial Services

The financial services sector is among the largest industries in the world.  While each sector under the financial services umbrella may have subtly different regulatory requirements, and countries around the world likewise impose unique regulatory requirements – for instance, FINRA and Sarbanes-Oxley in the U.S. and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU – every global financial institution has an obligation to retain, protect, secure and maintain access to its data for long periods of time. In addition to its unique data protection and security features, Alliance Storage Technologies provides industry-critical capabilities such as the ability to seamlessly migrate data into an archival storage solution on-premises and/or in the cloud and retrieve content on-demand.


Healthcare organizations around the world are creating data at a dizzying rate as more and more patient records, lab results and medical images to internal operations/back-office applications and information move online.  Even hand-written prescriptions are becoming a distant memory, as technology advancements enable leaps forward in how healthcare is delivered and managed.  State laws and federal mandates have followed suit – with regulations such as the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and others dictating how this information must be stored and for how long.  Which in most cases is decades, if not indefinitely.  Alliance Storage Technologies offers healthcare IT professionals’ options ranging from on-premise to cloud and hybrid, and critical features such as data encryption and replication to meet their unique regulatory and budgetary requirements.  

Public Sector

The speed at which the digital landscape has changed for the public sector has created a number of challenges for IT managers and public information officers.  To meet regulatory requirements, as well as be prepared to respond to open records requests from the public and peer agencies, government organizations need solutions that enable them to efficiently and cost effectively archive, find and retrieve a vast range of electronic content and communications.  From military records, to driver’s licenses, to government official emails, Alliance Storage Technologies has developed specific long-term data retention archiving solutions for government applications.

Security & Surveillance

From private institutions, to local and federal law enforcement and investigation, to the military, a vast amount of data is being created.  Contributing greatly to this data growth is the use of surveillance cameras to seek, observe and record persons and activity.  Legislation, regulations and privacy laws strictly govern the collection and storage of this data.  Alliance Storage Technologies solutions meet the long-term challenges associated with the resilient, secure and private storage of high-performance digital video surveillance, while respecting the budgetary restrictions applied to local and federal agencies and organizations.


By Industry Need


Legal Industry

The legal industry is placed in an interesting position with regard to data archiving and records retention. While there are no specific regulations that determine how legal firms or individual law offices must retain data (as in the healthcare industry), entities in the legal industry must be prepared to encounter, and be subject to, any number of existing regulations. Attorneys working with the U.S. federal courts must comply with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) for eDiscovery as well as any equivalent versions implemented at state levels, or if in the UK, Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) applies.

The American Bar Association (ABA) and ARMA International offer best practices for records management (RM) in the legal industry that counsel the benefits of establishing retention policies. Law offices and/or corporations face many considerations when setting appropriate legal data retention periods including: federal and state regulations, intellectual property requirements, statutes of limitations and general business and contractual requirements that could extend data retention periods. Additionally, client and corporate privacy is of utmost concern.

Recovery and compliance solutions must be capable of archiving electronically stored information (ESI) such as text, email, images and telephony [in their native formats]. All archived information including digital content and image and email archives, must be easily accessible and rapidly retrievable.

Alliance's archiving solutions meet the rigorous data protection and privacy requirements of law firms while fulfilling the need for indisputable systems that protect valuable corporate and client records while mitigating risks.

Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc. (Alliance) offers recovery and compliance solutions that are both cost-effective, secure, and support the rigorous requirements associated with legal matters.

For many years, Alliance has worked with key technology partners to provide complete archiving solutions to the legal industry. Alliance's archiving solutions and libraries seamlessly integrate with industry leading software applications to provide a complete operating platform supporting records, discovery and case management.

A Few Words from Our Customers...

Our Data Survived Hurricane Katrina

“We had to determine what information was retrievable among the absolute chaos of the first week after Katrina…We were able to recover all of the patient images off the Plasmon libraries…We are now primarily using the Plasmon’s UDO Archive Appliance for its long-term recoverability.” 
--Kenneth Allen, Health Systems Specialist, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care

HIPAA Compliance at a Reasonable Cost

“Ensuring that we could provide a PACS archive solution that helps customers meet HIPAA compliance at a reasonable cost was a critical requirement. This was guaranteed with the performance, longevity, and authenticity of the UDO Archive Appliance.”
– Lenny Reznik, Director Enterprise Imaging and Information, Agfa Healthcare

Retrieval Time Went from Days to Seconds

“Our major issue was time lost chasing documents. With the implementation of the archive solution, retrieval times went from DAYS to SECONDS.”

--Tony Libri, Sangamon County Circuit Clerk, Sangamon County Ciruit Clerk's Office

