Learn How Alliance Can Help With Your Data Archiving Requirements

 Alliance’s Data Archive Solutions makes regulatory compliance, data security, infrastructure optimization, and cost reductions Simple.

Data Storage Solutions – How to Reduce Costs with a Data Archiving Tier

In this FREE Report you’ll learn the key steps for transitioning to a tiered storage environment plus you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify which data to archive;
  • Make the transition seamless for the end user;
  • Select the correct data archive for your business;
  • And so much more...

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Worldwide Regulatory Mandates Protect Individuals Rights 


Regulatory Mandate Examples

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) - Enforces privacy standards that protect patients' medical records and other health information provided for health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers.  HIPAA HITECH Act (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) -  Expands the scope of privacy and security protections under HIPAA, increasing the potential legal liability for non-compliance.  

Financial Services Modernization Act (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) - Limits the disclosure of non-public personal information, and in some cases requires financial institutions to provide notice of their privacy practices and an opportunity for data subjects to opt out of having information shared.  National banking agencies mandate additional standards including: 

  • Safeguards Rule requires financial institutions to ensure the security and confidentiality protect the consumer information they collect. 
  • Red Flags Rule requires that each "financial institution" or "creditor"—which includes most securities firms—implement a written program to detect, prevent and mitigate identity theft in connection with the opening or maintenance of "covered accounts
  • Disposal Rule calls for the proper disposal of information in consumer reports and records to protect against “unauthorized access to or use of the information.”

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) - Unifying data privacy laws across the European Union, provides mandates for the protection of individual EU Citizens information and empowers their control of the retention and disposition of their data. 

California Civil Code §1798.82 - A security breach notification law requiring the disclosure to all residents of any breach where non-encrypted personal information was acquired by an unauthorized entity.

FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) – U.S. Government wide initiative and guidelines providing a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services, ensuring the security and auditability around sensitive data.


netarchiveproducts3The NETArchive is designed for professional data archiving and its advanced features provide protection for the safeguarding of personal information.  With secure authenticated access to all data, and with optional data encryption, all data is secured from exposure.  Additionally, all files that need to be protected are archived in a permanent, unalterable state that is 100% secure, providing the highest level of data authenticity, unmatched by tape, disk, or other backup media technologies using software-based WORM emulation. Alliance data archiving solutions have been meeting the compliance, protection and permanence needs of corporations and government agencies for over 30 years.

Contact Alliance Sales at 719-593-7900 or submit a Request for Quote.


A Few Words from Our Customers...

Our Data Survived Hurricane Katrina

“We had to determine what information was retrievable among the absolute chaos of the first week after Katrina…We were able to recover all of the patient images off the Plasmon libraries…We are now primarily using the Plasmon’s UDO Archive Appliance for its long-term recoverability.” 
--Kenneth Allen, Health Systems Specialist, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care

HIPAA Compliance at a Reasonable Cost

“Ensuring that we could provide a PACS archive solution that helps customers meet HIPAA compliance at a reasonable cost was a critical requirement. This was guaranteed with the performance, longevity, and authenticity of the UDO Archive Appliance.”
– Lenny Reznik, Director Enterprise Imaging and Information, Agfa Healthcare

Retrieval Time Went from Days to Seconds

“Our major issue was time lost chasing documents. With the implementation of the archive solution, retrieval times went from DAYS to SECONDS.”

--Tony Libri, Sangamon County Circuit Clerk, Sangamon County Ciruit Clerk's Office

