Learn How Alliance Can Help With Your Data Archiving Requirements

 Alliance’s Data Archive Solutions makes regulatory compliance, data security, infrastructure optimization, and cost reductions Simple.

Data Storage Solutions – How to Reduce Costs with a Data Archiving Tier

In this FREE Report you’ll learn the key steps for transitioning to a tiered storage environment plus you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify which data to archive;
  • Make the transition seamless for the end user;
  • Select the correct data archive for your business;
  • And so much more...

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As technologies continue to evolve, the requirements for storing multimedia digital content is increasing at an overwhelming pace. Whether transferring legacy footage to digital media, producing new content or animation, editing post-production, archiving newsprint, or disseminating sound files, enormous amounts of data storage are required for the move to high-definition multimedia.

With the development of new technologies, media and entertainment industries are migrating to the digital realm with an exponentially growing need for digital archives.

In response to these challenges, many organizations have or will implement media asset management (MAM) systems while others will utilize traditional file management techniques. These products assist users in developing new content, repurposing existing content and managing pre- and post production of digital video, audio, and other content. With terabytes of content to be stored, it is equally important that a library archive system be implemented, in conjunction with or independent of a multimedia management system, to ensure the secure, cost effective storage of digital content.

The flourishing multimedia industry including broadcasting and motion picture companies and production and publishing companies such as newspapers and magazines, has specific needs for archiving valuable media assets. Digital assets must be permanently stored in a cost effective and efficient manner in order to maintain a competitive edge. Files must be permanently stored onto a nonlinear disc media so that video clips and other content can be rapidly retrieved and randomly accessed.

Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc. (Alliance) fully understands the need for long-term storage of multimedia and has developed powerful, easy-to-implement solutions based upon optical true Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) technology capable of preserving data for greater than 50 years -the perfect solution for multimedia environments.

Alliance’s Archive Solutions meet the challenges associated with the resilient long-term, secure storage requirements of multi-media digital archives while providing high performance data access with a low total cost of ownership.


Alliance's complete archiving solutions are designed to meet the in-depth professional archiving needs associated with multimedia content and provide:

Unaltered Preservation of Multimedia Files - Alliance's solutions are based upon true Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) optical technology. Optionally encrypted data is written to optical media after which it becomes unalterable remaining intact for periods greater than 50 years. The extended media life dramatically reduces media maintenance decreasing the frequency of data migration and reducing costs over the life of the archive.

Expandable Archiving – Expandable optical disk archive systems are based upon high-capacity media magazines and scalable robotic libraries. As data storage requirements increase, libraries can be easily expanded within the same footprint offering investment protection through capacity expansions and future-proof system upgrades.

High Capacity Ultra-dense Media – High-capacity media/magazine design with modular capacity and scalability designed specifically for professional data archiving.

Rapid & Random Access to Data – Data can be randomly accessed either from the nonlinear optical disc media archives (retrieved into RAID) or via high-performance RAID, depending upon established policies.

High Reliability – Alliance's NAS solutions and Direct Attached scalable robotic libraries are based upon field-proven, reliable technology that has served a variety of industries [for over a decade].


Corporate Enterprise

Corporations and associated IT departments are confronted with the continuous challenge of adhering to regulatory requirements and managing growing volumes of data over extended periods.

Organizations are responsible to stakeholders and have a need to manage the risks associated with potential security and privacy concerns while maintaining compliance with regulations and industry mandates that carry steep fines levied for non-compliance. The tab below provides an overview of some of the regulations that impact corporate operations.

These challenges drive the implementation of data governance practices that protect data and proactively enforce record retention and deletion standards. Policies dictate the implementation of technology that secures and encrypts communications in order to prevent leaks of sensitive corporate data, intellectual property, and private customer/consumer information.

Legal issues are a growing burden within corporations, especially the larger ones. There is a great need to reduce the costs and risks associated with litigation including the related eDiscovery (or eDisclosure) and retention of electronically stored, or archived data. This necessitates a robust archiving system that is capable of efficient electronic discovery that can rapidly and randomly access and retrieve data.

Business continuity and disaster recovery are of utmost importance to corporations. Hurricanes, storms, floods, power outages, and earthquakes as well as man-made disasters can disrupt global availability of business data and disable business operations. Maintaining uninterrupted access to data is vital to on-going global commerce.

Industry organizations, such as ARMA International/ANSI and International Organization for Standardization (ISO), exist that provide guidance or standards for preparing corporate governance policies for information management, security compliance and IT. In some cases, these standards can be as regulatory as a law in that failure to comply could result in revocation of certifications.

IT departments are challenged to establish a regulatory compliant storage infrastructure that includes securely archived data with a solid business continuity plan capable of meeting industry demands. Systems must be capable of adapting to changing regulations, streamlining data management, monitoring and enforcing policies, and accessing data and records on a moment’s notice (immediately).

Solution Benefits

Preserving Data Unaltered – Alliance's solutions are based upon true Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) optical technology. Encrypted data is written to optical media after which it becomes unalterable remaining intact for periods greater than 50 years.

Encryption – With this optional feature, data at-rest is encrypted with unique keys for each object using FIPS 140-2 compliant AES-256 encryption algorithm. Encryption adds another layer of security to your data enabling compliance with specific regulations and ensuring that all data remains confidential.

Email and Image Archiving – Partnering with industry-leaders, Alliance's solutions integrate with third-party software applications that manage and sort email and images according to the internal policy guidelines established within that application. The images and email are then stored efficiently and securely on Alliance's NAS optical libraries that fit directly into the existing storage network. Note that a Direct Attached library can be used however, it will require a third-party software application.

Scalable/Expandable Archiving – Expandable optical disk archive systems are based upon high-capacity media magazines and scalable robotic libraries. As data storage requirements increase, libraries can be easily expanded within the same footprint offering investment protection through capacity expansions and future-proof system upgrades.

Low Total Cost of Ownership - After the data is permanently written on the media, it no longer requires a constant power source to maintain the data. This greatly reduces costs associated with storing archived data for the required lifespan. Additionally, the removable media offers an affordable disaster recovery solution. Systems reduce overhead and operating costs by: minimizing the cost and frequency of data migrations through extended media life, removing static data from expensive primary and backup systems freeing up valuable resources, and lowering power, cooling and maintenance costs. Systems scale incrementally as data archiving needs expand.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

Businesses are critically linked to information contained in electronic documents, images, and files. These valuable digital assets provide businesses today with a competitive edge and must be optimized for operations. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems maximize the processes by which businesses capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content, records and documents. All of this information must ultimately be preserved onto a reliable, secure storage medium that permits rapid and random access to data.

The management of digital content is not only concerned with organizational and operational efficiency but also the business issues involved with information governance, risk and regulatory compliance. Regulations within certain industries are increasing throughout the world today and staying on top of them, and remaining compliant, is a continuous and significant undertaking.

Implementing storage tiers within the infrastructure and offloading digital content to professional document archiving systems can greatly reduce the burden on the backup and recovery processes, freeing up valuable resources for business growth. Static data stored on expensive spinning disks can be moved onto an affordable electronic document archiving system in order to substantially reduce costs. Business continuity and disaster recovery solutions are an important consideration when employing ECM. Processes must include disaster recovery plans especially if data is housed in a single location.

A successful, compliant ECM strategy is dependent upon the implementation of a worry-free electronic document archiving solution with unalterable storage media. When it comes to finding the right electronic document archiving system, selecting the right storage technology is the answer to reducing business costs and risks.

Alliance's CiS and optical solutions minimize business risks while providing fast and random access to data. Additionally, the Encryption feature enables organizations to comply with HIPAA/HITECH mandates, and Replication for high-availability in the event of disaster.

ASTI Solution Benefits

Preserving Data Unaltered – Alliance's solutions are based upon true Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) optical technology. Encrypted data is written to optical media after which it becomes unalterable remaining intact for periods greater than 50 years.

Encryption – With this optional feature, data at-rest is encrypted with unique keys for each object using FIPS 140-2 compliant AES-256 encryption algorithm. Encryption adds another layer of security to your data enabling compliance with specific regulations and ensuring that all data remains confidential.

Low Total Cost of Ownership - After the data is permanently written on the media, it no longer requires a constant power source to maintain the data. This greatly reduces costs associated with storing archived data for the required lifespan. Additionally, the removable media offers an affordable disaster recovery solution. Systems reduce overhead and operating costs by: minimizing the cost and frequency of data migrations through extended media life, removing static data from expensive primary and backup systems freeing up valuable resources, and lowering power, cooling and maintenance costs. Systems scale incrementally as data archiving needs expand.

Rapid & Random Access to Data – Data can be randomly accessed either from the nonlinear optical disc media archives (retrieved into RAID) or via high-performance RAID, depending upon established policies.

Scalable/Expandable Archiving – Expandable optical disk archive systems are based upon high-capacity media magazines and scalable robotic libraries. As data storage requirements increase, libraries can be easily expanded within the same footprint offering investment protection through capacity expansions and future-proof system upgrades.

Email and Image Archiving – Partnering with industry-leaders, Alliance's solutions integrate with third-party software applications that manage and sort email and images according to the internal policy guidelines established within that application. The images and email are then stored efficiently and securely on Alliance's NAS optical libraries that fit directly into the existing storage network. Note that a Direct Attached library can be used however, it will require a third-party software application.

Backup and Recovery – Archive libraries are capable of backing up all RMDB (Resource Manager Data Base), FSC (File System Catalog), HSM (Hierarchical Storage Manager) which significantly increases the speed of data recovery in the event of system failure.

A Few Words from Our Customers...

Our Data Survived Hurricane Katrina

“We had to determine what information was retrievable among the absolute chaos of the first week after Katrina…We were able to recover all of the patient images off the Plasmon libraries…We are now primarily using the Plasmon’s UDO Archive Appliance for its long-term recoverability.” 
--Kenneth Allen, Health Systems Specialist, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care

HIPAA Compliance at a Reasonable Cost

“Ensuring that we could provide a PACS archive solution that helps customers meet HIPAA compliance at a reasonable cost was a critical requirement. This was guaranteed with the performance, longevity, and authenticity of the UDO Archive Appliance.”
– Lenny Reznik, Director Enterprise Imaging and Information, Agfa Healthcare

Retrieval Time Went from Days to Seconds

“Our major issue was time lost chasing documents. With the implementation of the archive solution, retrieval times went from DAYS to SECONDS.”

--Tony Libri, Sangamon County Circuit Clerk, Sangamon County Ciruit Clerk's Office

