As organizational data continues to grow by 50% year over year, so does backup windows. This can negatively impact a number of areas, including system performance. Alliance Storage Technologies enables you to move static or untouched data into a solution that offers not only fast backup, but fast recovery of data. Likewise, copies of business critical data can also be archived onto a lower cost storage tier. The result is the ability to shrink your backup window and improve performance, as well as assure disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (with a permanent copy of last resort).
Disaster Recovery capabilities are integral to the design of Alliance's data archiving solutions. Several alternatives are available for maintaining business continuity and access to valuable archived data in the event of a disruption.
The Replication option enables data to be replicated automatically to one or more additional libraries in separate geographical locations creating total redundancy between libraries. Critical business operations are maintained by quickly switching libraries from active to passive as events dictate. Businesses and organizations can rely on the Replication option for fast RTO and RPO and continuous availability of valuable business data through the worst of disasters.
All data, or specific types of data, can be designated for replication through the creation of flexible archiving policies within the Archive Management Software application. The easy-to-use interface enables the creation of volumes for different types of data or classes of data such as mission critical, vital, top secret, etc., as required.
Alliance’s Cloud-Integrated Storage (CiS) option provides another level of disaster recovery enabling storage of data on optical, cloud or both. Using Cloud storage provides a viable offsite copy of archive data for restoration where your business continuity requirements are not as stringent. All archived data is administered through one centralized, cohesive management system.
Alliance’s CiS solutions conform to 3-2-1 Archiving and Data Protection Best Practices with:
Three copies of data: Rapid Access (RAID), Secure Copy (Optical), and Disaster Recovery (Cloud)
Two of which are on different media types (Cloud and Optical)
One of which is removable or remote, (Cloud or Optical)
Flexible archiving policies within the easy-to-use Archive Management Software enable volumes to be created for archives, such as by applications, departments, or organizational hierarchy. This capability enables users to designate these data archives to be archived on optical, Cloud, or both, by data type or category.
The Housing Authority of the County of Alameda The Housing Authority of the County of Alameda (HACA) operates a number of housing programs administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, providing low-cost rental housing and rental assistance for low-income families, the elderly, people with disabilities, and others in Alameda County, California. “Our OnBase system is able to write to all storage end-points significantly faster, ensuring data is committed for permanent protection quickly” said Irv Aragon. “And with hybrid cloud, the NETArchive system automatically and efficiently archives all data to our AWS S3 cloud storage, eliminating the time-intensive and manual offsite backup processes we have struggled with for years. The NETArchive behaves like any of my other storage servers, but gives me the peace of mind that my data is backed up and protected. I sleep much better knowing that my critical archive data is being seamlessly protected and is there should any disaster recovery event occur”. Click to download the case study.
The Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System The Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System (formerly the VA Medical Center, New Orleans) and its outpatient clinics located throughout southeast Louisiana are committed to providing high-quality, compassionate, and safe health care to the more than 220,000 veterans who live in the 23-parish region they serve. Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall near the Louisiana-Mississippi border on the morning of August 29, 2005, and the subsequent flooding caused by the failure of the New Orleans levee system, resulted in one of the largest natural disasters to hit the United States. The hurricane resulted in the sudden closure of several hospitals, including the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System and its outpatient clinics, which suffered extensive damage. Said Kenneth Allen, Health Systems Specialist, "We were able to recover all of the patient images off of the Plasmon libraries. We had just started to migrate to UDO™ (Ultra Density Optical) for an archive solution when the hurricane hit. We are now primarily using the Plasmon UDO Archive Appliance for its long-term recoverability.” Click to download the case study.