Data Archiving Blog

Archive Media

Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc. (ASTI) has more than three decades of expertise in the research, development, and manufacture of optical storage media. Optical storage is most frequently used in archive applications that demand secure, long-term retention of records. ASTI’s business philosophy and products are based upon an equally long-term support model, including support for current and past generations of optical media. 

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ASTI offers a multi-generation optical media product line that includes NETArchive ODA, Ultra Density Optical (UDO), Magneto Optical (MO), as well as several other media types to support Plasmon legacy systems. Optical media is available in both (WORM) Write Once Read Many and Re-writable formats.

ASTI continues to offer long-term support for legacy libraries and media so that dedicated customers can continue making use of investments. For example, ASTI G-Series optical libraries support both UDO and previous generation MO optical media. This backward compatible strategy allows customers to maintain full access to older MO based archive libraries while using UDO for current demands.
