Learn How Alliance Can Help With Your Data Archiving Requirements

 Alliance’s Data Archive Solutions makes regulatory compliance, data security, infrastructure optimization, and cost reductions Simple.

Data Storage Solutions – How to Reduce Costs with a Data Archiving Tier

In this FREE Report you’ll learn the key steps for transitioning to a tiered storage environment plus you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify which data to archive;
  • Make the transition seamless for the end user;
  • Select the correct data archive for your business;
  • And so much more...

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Professional Data Archiving Products Overview

Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc. (Alliance) develops and manufactures products and solutions specifically for professional data archiving. Thousands of organizations use Alliance archive solutions worldwide across a wide variety of markets and applications, including medical, financial, government, insurance, and surveillance. Archiving products can be configured for each customer’s specific environment and are suitable for small organizations up to the largest enterprise or government.

These innovative archiving solutions feature modular, flexible architecture and are adaptable to any business or industry. The multi-faceted architecture is equipped with features that address the contemporary requirements of data storage infrastructures such as compliance with industry regulations, disaster recovery, high-availability, and the benefits of the Cloud. Solutions combine high-performance and scalability with the long-term stability of optical Write Once Read Many (WORM) technology providing the foundation for successfully meeting and exceeding today’s challenging regulatory demands.

As a quality, full-service manufacturer, Alliance offers a wide-range of service and preventive maintenance options in support of all solutions and is the exclusive supplier of Plasmon libraries and certified parts. Additionally, Alliance offers support and spare parts for legacy archiving libraries and jukeboxes.

Hallmarks of the Alliance/Plasmon product lines include:

  • Long term preservation of critical data for 50+ years
  • Permanence
  • Flexibility
  • Low Total Cost of Ownership
  • Designed-in Disaster Recovery
  • Incremental Scalability

Click on a module to the right for detailed product information.

Replication Feature for Business Continuity

Businesses and organizations have become reliant upon data in order to maintain operations. Continual availability of that data is crucial to ensuring uninterrupted business operations through the worst of disasters. Exclusive to the NAS Archive Appliance systems, the Archive Management Software’s Replication option is the key to maintaining high availability of data and business continuity.

The Replication option provides a solid disaster recovery strategy allowing replication of data
to one or more additional libraries in separate geographical locations. Replication provides organizations with excellent RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) to support high-availability business continuity requirements. Libraries will be identical providing immediate disaster recovery fail-over to the backup site should the need arise.

Through Replication, critical business operations are maintained even in the event of a major catastrophic event.

Replication is an optional add-on to the Archive Management Software (AWS)

Features include:

  • Remote Data Replication – Replicated libraries may reside anywhere geographically with appropriate network connectivity
  • Total Redundancy Between Libraries – complete access to data is ensured with the replication of ownerships, permissions, and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Extended attributes are replicated along with data.
  • Automated Replication of Data – Set the schedule to the desired time of day in order to minimize network impact and the data will be automatically replicated to an Archive Appliance at another location.
  • Failover - Failback Switching – Easily switch Active-Passive replication between libraries as events dictate
  • Event Notification – Proactively manage system status and changes via email or centralized monitoring
  • Intelligent Change Tracking – Active tracking of updates in real time improves replication speed and availability
  • Centralized Data Management – Data from Archive Appliances located in regional and branch offices can be accumulated to a centralized Archive Appliance via the replication feature

Available for all Archive Appliance models running the latest AMS software. Field installed models may be retrofitted and upgraded with some exceptions.

For additional information contact an Alliance Data Archive Expert at 719-593-7900 or submit a Request for Quote



Cloud Feature

The Cloud feature is an optional add-on to the Archive Management Software (AMS). This feature enables the Storage Management System (SMS) to act as an interface with the Cloud. Designed specifically for data archiving, the Cloud feature incorporates features that can substantially reduce business risks and costs.

Tightly integrated with the standard AMS interface and policy engine, cloud storage may be utilized with any data archive. Data can be seamlessly written to cloud and/or optical archives, depending on archive data requirements. All data stored anywhere within the data archiving ecosystem, whether online, in the cloud, or on optical storage can be viewed and accessed seamlessly.

All of the AMS features, functions, and monitoring capabilities applicable to optical media are applied to the Cloud as well, providing a simple cloud on-boarding approach. Special menu functions are enabled for entering Cloud provider details and account keys.

Add Security to your Cloud Data

The Encryption option is highly recommended for data stored in the Cloud, as this ensures protection of data from unauthorized access and compliance with such mandates as the HIPAA HITECH act. With the Encryption option, data is encrypted prior to being migrated to the Cloud or optical media. All encryption keys are stored and protected for disaster recovery purposes and prevention of unauthorized access by cloud service providers or others attempting to gain access to data stored in the cloud. Click here to learn more about the Encryption feature.

Where would you like to go from here?

A Few Words from Our Customers...

Our Data Survived Hurricane Katrina

“We had to determine what information was retrievable among the absolute chaos of the first week after Katrina…We were able to recover all of the patient images off the Plasmon libraries…We are now primarily using the Plasmon’s UDO Archive Appliance for its long-term recoverability.” 
--Kenneth Allen, Health Systems Specialist, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care

HIPAA Compliance at a Reasonable Cost

“Ensuring that we could provide a PACS archive solution that helps customers meet HIPAA compliance at a reasonable cost was a critical requirement. This was guaranteed with the performance, longevity, and authenticity of the UDO Archive Appliance.”
– Lenny Reznik, Director Enterprise Imaging and Information, Agfa Healthcare

Retrieval Time Went from Days to Seconds

“Our major issue was time lost chasing documents. With the implementation of the archive solution, retrieval times went from DAYS to SECONDS.”

--Tony Libri, Sangamon County Circuit Clerk, Sangamon County Ciruit Clerk's Office

